Governing body
Our Governing Body
Message from the Chair
Hello and a very warm welcome from the governors of The Royal Spa Nursery School. I have the privilege of being the Chair of Governors. As governors we are immensely proud of the nursery and the wonderful community spirit that helps make this school outstanding.
The governors make regular visits into school and through these we can see the dedication of all members of staff in providing the best education whilst taking care of the children’s emotional wellbeing. I am also constantly impressed by the children’s understanding of how they learn, their enthusiasm to learn and their good behaviour.
Who are we?
We are volunteers and we come from every section of the community. The Royal Spa’s governing body is made up of 10 members of staff, parents, local authority and community representatives. We meet twice a term and visit the nursery each term also.
What is our purpose?
To help the nursery to provide the best possible education for your children. We support and encourage all aspects of nursery life by acting as a "critical friend". By that we mean we fully support the staff but also ask important and difficult questions. We are an integral part of life at the nursery. We celebrate the nursery’s many successes and achievements, but we do not shy away from identifying and addressing any weaknesses.
What are our key roles?
The governors take a long-term overview of the school. We agree its vision, values, strategic aims and its policies. We monitor and evaluate the school's performance and ensure the nursery is accountable to everyone it serves, ie: the children, parents, staff and local community.
Duties and powers?
School governors have a number of very important legal responsibilities. We oversee the school's budget, we are responsible for the health and safety of staff and children on school property. The governing body is also responsible for major appointments such as the headteacher.
Brighton & Hove City Council Information on Becoming a School Governor
The Royal Spa Nursery School Governing Body 2023-24
Name |
Role |
Term of office from |
Term of office to |
Appointed by |
Original Appointment date |
Emma Bennett |
Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor |
13/07/2023 |
12/07/27 |
Governing body |
01/12/2016 |
Alberto Schiannini |
Vice Chair Co-opted Governor |
10/11/2023 |
09/11/2027 |
Governing body |
01/10/2015 |
Mary Ellinger |
Headteacher |
01/09/2016 |
- |
Member by virtue of their office |
01/09/2016 |
Jennie Hill |
Staff Governor Deputy Headteacher |
18/09/2016 |
29/09/24 |
Elected by Staff |
18/09/2012 |
Kelly Myatt |
Co-opted Governor |
6/12/2023 |
5/12/2027 |
Governing Body |
4/12/2019 |
Julie Canavan |
Co-opted Governor |
14/12/2022 |
13/12/2026 |
Governing Body |
14/12/22 |
Emma Liles |
LA Governor |
06/03/2024 |
05/03/2028 |
Local Authority & Governing Body |
06/03/2024 |
Frankie Stanton |
Co-opted Governor |
06/03/2024 |
05/03/2028 |
Governing Body |
06/06/2024 |
Governors who have left the Governing Body in the last year:-
Christine Booth , LA Governor 29/03/23 - 28/3/27, resigned on 15/06/2023
Tom Shah, Parent Governor 21/06/2022 - 20/06/2026, resigned on 17/10/2023
Luke Murray, Parent Governor, 29/11/2019 - 28/11/2023 - end of term.
Kate Greenslate, Co-opted Governor, 04/12/2019 - 03/12//2023 - end of term
Register of Interests
Name |
Date Declared |
Business/pecuniary interests |
Governance roles in other educational establishment |
Emma Bennett |
27/09/2023 |
none |
Vice Chair of Governors at Woodingdean Primary School |
Alberto Schiannini |
Mary Ellinger |
27/09/2023 |
HT at Royal Spa Nursery School |
none |
Jennie Hill |
27/09/2023 |
Deputy HT at Royal Spa Nursery School |
none |
Kelly Myatt |
28/09/2023 |
none |
none |
Julie Canavan |
27/09/2023 |
none |
none |
Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings
Date |
EB |
AS |
ME |
JH |
KM |
JC |
FS |
EL |
03/07/2024 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
15/05/2024 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
06/03/2024 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
06/12/2024 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
27/09/2023 |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
13/07/2023 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
18/05/2023 |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
29/03/2023 |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
01/02/2023 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
14/12/2022 |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
05/10/2022 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
n/a |
20/07/2022 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
n/a |
17/05/2022 |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
n/a |
6/04/2022 |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
n/a |
2/02/2022 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
n/a |
8/12/2021 |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
n/a |
The governing body is required to publish individual governor attendance at meetings in the last year. In the table above governors' initials are listed along the top and meetings are listed on the left.
Y = in attendance N = not in attendance n/a = not applicable
Minutes of FGB Meetings
These are available in the school office on request.
If you have any questions about the role of school governors or how to become one, do not hesitate to ask. Contact our Clerk to the Governors, Helen Haskew by email -