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Partnership with parents

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We aim to give a very warm welcome to all our families and understand that you know your child the best, their personality, preferences, interests, likes, dislikes, skills and behaviours.
We always aim to involve families in their child’s learning and development. We know that your child will benefit hugely if we work in partnership to develop ways to support your child both at home and in nursery.
We hope parents will have an ongoing dialogue with us about their child. The beginning and end of session is often a good time for a quick informal chat, but if a more private talk is needed then we can make a mutually convenient time.
Throughout the year we have several family events where families can join in and get to know each other. For example: 

  • Meet the parents in your child’s group
  • Lantern parade
  • Christmas Carols around the tree
  • Community carol service
  • Family Country dancing
  • Summer Fayre

Also throughout the year we host events to help you with your child’s learning and development. For example:

  • Rhyme time ideas
  • What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?
  • Workshop mornings for different Areas of Learning

We always welcome your time in nursery, maybe you have a talent or a skill you could share with the children, for example play an instrument, or tell a story in a language, sharing a festival celebration.
Some parents also kindly volunteer some time each week to share stories with children, play board games, mend our books or do some sewing with the children.
We always need help with planning fundraising ideas especially our school summer fair. Please let us know if you would be able to help.


Friends of the Royal Spa Nursery (FORS)

Each year we have a fantastic group of parents who organise events throughout the school year to not only raise funds but to create opportunities to meet other parents and families too.