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Settling In

Before your child starts at nursery you will be invited to a stay and play session.

You will be given a start date .

First day please stay with your child and play for about an hour as your child needs to get to know the staff before they are in nursery without you.

Second day

The session will be 2 hours and again we ask you to stay in nursery please. If your child seems ready to be there without you , then you will be able to pop into the garden away from your child.

Third day onwards

From day three we will talk to each parent about whether your child is ready to be left. When you first leave this will be for part of the session and we can gradually build it up.

Ways to help to prepare your child for nursery

Prepare your child by talking to them about the exciting toys at nursery, the other children and the key person.

Be positive and upbeat and try not to string out your good byes. If you appear worried or anxious then you will pass these feelings onto your child.

When it is time to leave, remind your child you are going and when you will return. Calmly and confidently say goodbye to them and leave. The key person will be on hand to support the child whilst you leave and this will allow them sometime to build a relationship.

If you are worried you can call the nursery ti check your child has settled.

On return, greet your child with a smile and talk about their day at nursery.